New site hopes to influence the end of “careerist” Congresspersons
It’s August 30, 2021–435 days to go until the 2022 mid-term elections and 435 Representatives in the U.S. House, Fresh435.com seeks to turn that body on its head by delivering as many new Congresspersons and fresh perspectives to the 2023 House as possible.
The intent of the House of Representatives was to provide opportunity for citizens to champion the interests of their locale for a short time, then return to their everyday life. Over time, this has morphed into a life-long career choice for many, with the main focus being reelection, power acquisition and personal enrichment.
Fresh 435 operates on the premise that six years or three terms should be the maximum service time of any elected Representative. We will help voters identify who will reach or will already have exceeded that threshold in 2022 with our Overstayer Profiles. And, as primary season nears, we will highlight the opponents of the entrenched and point you toward helping get them elected.
We will also provide plenty of Research & Analysis about how we arrived at the current state. We will examine how campaign funding supports the current intransigence. And, we will take a look at how Redistricting on the back of the 2022 Census may impact the makeup of the House for the next decade.
We intend to be non-partisan in our approach, as there are scads of overstayers on both sides of the aisle. Our mission is simply to gradually reduce the average tenure of the overall House in order to keep feeding fresh perspectives into it.
We hope you will engage with us frequently along the way. Leave comments on what you like or don’t like, or what you’d like to see more of. Also, give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It’s going to be a fun 435 days!